Hedgehog Release Sites
Wherever possible we look to release the hedgehogs admitted back to the location they were found. If this is not possible or the location was not safe then we look to place them at one of our nearby release sites. There is an advantage to the hedgehogs, particularly adults, in returning to the area they were found as they will know the area, nest sites, water sources… which reduces the adjustment phase upon release. They may also have immunity to diseases in that area. This means that we need a network of release sites across the county.
We try to keep release sites under 1 hour travelling time to reduce stress on the hedgehogs - over this time and the advantage of returning to the location is likely cancelled out by the stress caused.
We put a huge amount of time and effort into rehabilitating our hedgehogs and want to give them the best possible chance of survival upon release into the wild. We therefore assess each site carefully for suitability and against our admission records and wildlife data for Cornwall. It is essential that our release sites have an existing and active hedgehog population that can be evidenced, we cannot release enough hedgehogs to repopulate an area. An existing population is the best indicator of suitable habitat and provides access to mates.
The main criteria we look for is:
A pre-existing hedgehog population, you need to be seeing hedgehogs regularly in your garden or at the proposed release site.
At least one hedgehog nest box but ideally more to increase the chances of one being vacant when we need.
No badger activity at site or the immediate surrounding area.
Access to a larger area to roam - NO enclosed gardens.
Availability to collect hedgehogs at short notice from Prickles and Paws (Within 24-48hrs)
Urban and rural locations are equally essential.
Please only apply if you meet the above criteria.
If multiple applications are received for an area we will evaluate all and select the most suitable. We are open to applications from across the county, but are specifically looking to take on sites in the following areas:
Penzance / Marazion
St Austell